Our Vision
Dedicated to excellence.
About the Queensland Music Teachers’ Association (QMTA)
Our association is a not-for-profit Queensland professional body for instrumental and voice music teachers and was founded in 1921. We are dedicated to promoting excellence in music teaching. Members benefit from our close association with similar organisations, examination bodies and tertiary institutions.
The QMTA represents almost 500 members throughout Queensland. We aim to promote a high standard of music teaching in the state and liaise closely with examination bodies, tertiary institutions and other similar associations nationally and internationally.
Constantly endeavouring to elevate the professionalism of the association and its Members, QMTA provides opportunities for ongoing professional development and a platform for teacher development through master classes, pre-diploma performances and showcase recitals.
Our major events include the annual Queensland Piano Competition and Queensland Vocal Competition Festival, as well as the bi-annual Marilyn Meir Chopin Award.
Our Journal "Bravura"
Bravura and this website keep members and the general public in touch with aspects of the profession, the latest pedagogy and performance and professional development events.
Mark Hooper
QMTA President