Siu Dea Law
Specialty: Musicianship from higher grades to diplomas level
Sui Dea was born in Hong Kong, migrated to New Zealand at a young age, where she received the greater part of her early musical training. A Bachelor of Music (Hons) performance graduate from the University of Auckland, she then pursued her post-graduate studies at the Hochschule für Musik und Theatre in Hannover, Germany, gaining both performance and chamber music diplomas. Teaching, accompanying, and performing followed in subsequent years in Germany and Hong Kong. Between 2012 and2017 Siu Dea lived and obtained a music therapy diploma from Verona Conservatorio in Italy where she obtained a music therapy diploma from the Conservatorio Dall’ Abaco in Verona.
QMTA Profile: Siu Dea Law (About) (
West End, Brisbane
Tel: 0497 617 433